About us
MELCHERS is a full-service business law firm with approximately 50 lawyers. We have offices in Heidelberg, Frankfurt/Main, Berlin and Mannheim. We advise you on all aspects of business law: in the “classic” fields of business law and additionally in white-collar crime and criminal tax law, in data protection law as well as in private and public building law.
We support your entrepreneurial success with personal advice tailored to your needs. You have a fixed contact person at MELCHERS. He or she has your company’s economic goals in mind and coordinates the work of specialists from the various fields of law. Be it for an individual mandate or for ongoing legal advice. If necessary, we consult tax advisors and auditors.
We arrange and coordinate legal advice in other jurisdictions through our international law firm network Ally Law and our cooperation partner Transatlantic Law International.

Ally Law
The global legal service group Ally Law includes 80+ law firms and 2,800+ lawyers in 100 key business centers. Ally Law has its origins in the International Alliance of Law Firms, a premier network started more than 25 years ago. MELCHERS is a founding member of Ally Law. In 2020 Ally Law celebrated its 30th anniversary.
Ally Law provides globally coordinated legal advice to comopanies who have complex multi-national legal matters. All participating law firms are subject to rigorous and detailed service and quality standards. This quality standard together with a uniform project management combines all advantages of an international major law firm with the result-oriented and cost-effective work of medium-sized law firms. The participating law firms remain independent organizations despite this close cooperation in individual projects.
Ally Law removes any law firm that fails to meet standards or receives poor evaluations which ensures a permanent high counseling quality.
The attorneys of Ally Law members have long experience in the different sectors (Health Care, Leisure and Hospitality, Real Estate, Trade, Technology), know about their specific peculiarities and have comprehensive expertise in all relevant practice areas (corporate/M&A, regulatory law, trade law, intellectual property, labor law).
The Ally Law motto “We get it. We get it done.” is a permanent motivation to provide you with the best legal advice possible – wherever your business takes you.
The members of Ally Law’s Litigation Specialty Group have prepared a multijurisdictional compendium of the law of attorney-client privilege as it relates to in-house counsel: “Attorney – Client Privilege in the Global Context: Practical Guidance For In-House Counsel.” MELCHERS contributed the article on the legal situation in Germany. Please find the compendium here.

MELCHERS French Desk
Welcome to MELCHERS French Desk !
France and Germany beeing very close neighbours we installed MELCHERS French Desk to advise our French clients in French language and with the necessary expert knowledge and understanding to bridge the cultural gap.
Contact:Rechtsanwalt Martin Koller-van Delden and Rechtsanwalt Dr. Carsten Lutz.

Transatlantic Law International
Transatlantic Law International (‘TALI’) is a global legal service provider with a 20 year track record of success providing business law services across a wide range of disciplines to multinationals and investors seeking growth or restructuring worldwide. TALI provides integrated legal services across a wide range of disciplines in over 95 countries with more than 4500 counsel from leading independent firms working together on a global regional and local level to deliver cost effective solutions worldwide through an innovative service platform from a client driven, results oriented perspective.
MELCHERS is here the partner law firm rendering legal services in Germany.

Labor Law Plus
Labor Law Plus® is a dynamic global labor and employment law service, providing multinationals and growing companies and investors global L&E law solutions, plus complete business law support, in more than 95 countries, supported by dedicated teams of expert counsel from affiliated independent law firms, in every major region and in all key cities, delivering cost effective solutions worldwide.